OBSSetBucketACLWithCannedACLRequest Class Reference

Inherits from OBSBaseRequest : OBSAbstractModel : OBSMTLModel
Conforms to OBSSetBucketACLProtocol
Declared in OBSSetBucketACLModel.h


Pre-defined access control policy


Bucket name

@property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull) NSString *bucketName

Declared In



ACL type

@property (nonatomic, assign) OBSACLPolicy cannedACL


OBSACLPolicyPrivate: The owner of a bucket or object has the FULL_CONTROL permission for the bucket or object. Other users have no permission to access the bucket or object.

OBSACLPolicyPublicRead: The owner of a bucket or object has the full permissions to the bucket or object. Other users including anonymous users have the read permission.

OBSACLPolicyPublicReadWrite: The owner of a bucket or object has the full permissions to the bucket or object. Other users including anonymous users have the read permission.

OBSACLPolicyAuthenticatedRead: The owner of a bucket or object has the full permissions to the bucket or object. Other OBS authorized users have the read permission.

OBSACLPolicyBucketOwnerRead: The owner of an object has the full permissions to the object and the owner of the bucket where the object resides has the read permission.

OBSACLPolicyBucketOwnerFullControl: The owner of an object has the full permissions to the object and the owner of the bucket where the object resides has the full permissions to the object.

OBSACLPolicyLogDeliveryWrite The log delivery group has the write permission to the bucket and the READ_ACP permission.

Declared In


– initWithBucketName:cannedACL:

Initialize a request for configuring a bucket ACL by using a pre-defined access control policy.

- (instancetype)initWithBucketName:(NSString *)bucketName cannedACL:(OBSACLPolicy)cannedACL



Bucket name


Pre-defined access control policy

Return Value

Request for configuring a bucket ACL by using a pre-defined access control policy

Declared In
