OBSLifecycleTransition Class Reference Inherits from OBSBaseEntity : OBSAbstractModel : OBSMTLModel Declared in OBSServiceCommonEntities.hOBSServiceCommonEntities.m Overview Element of the transition time and new storage class (applicable to the current version of the object) in the lifecycle rules Other Methods – initWithDays:storageClass: Initialize a sub-class about the transition time and object storage class. - (instancetype)initWithDays:(NSNumber *)days storageClass:(OBSStorageClass)storageClass Parameters days Number of days after which the rule takes effect storageClass New storage class Return Value Transition time and storage class Declared In OBSServiceCommonEntities.h Other Methods days Number of days after object creation when the specified rule takes effect @property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull) NSNumber *days Declared In OBSServiceCommonEntities.h storageClass New storage class of the object @property (nonatomic, assign) OBSStorageClass storageClass Declared In OBSServiceCommonEntities.h